Enkan System

Enkan system is a container of components for managing the lifecycle and dependencies.
It’s inspired by clojure component.


Enkan system is composed of components.

EnkanSystem system = EnkanSystem.of(
    "http", new UndertowComponent()

Using of method, components are registered to Enkan system.

Creating components

Components must be extended SystemComponent class. And implements ComponentLifecycle.

class SomeComponent extends SystemComponent {
    protected ComponentLifecycle<SomeComponent> lifecycle() {
        return new ComponentLifecycle<SomeComponent>() {
            public void start(SomeComponent component) {

            public void stop(SomeComponent component) {

ComponentLifecycle interface have 2 methods, start and stop. Their are called sequentially.
So all components are started and stopped safely.

Relationships between components

Inject components

Components are injected to a field of another component and middlewares.

For injecting to a field, put the Inject annotation on it.

private TemplateEngine templateEngine;

If a class has multiple fields of same type, you can put the Named annotation for distinct.

private TemplateEngine freemarker;

private TemplateEngine thymeleaf;

Bootstrap the Enkan system

To start/stop the Enkan system, call the start() or stop() method.


// ...


It is better to bootstrap a system in the REPL for the operation.

PseudoRepl repl = new PseudoRepl(MyExampleSystemFactory.class.getName());
        new KotowariCommandRegister(),
        new DevelCommandRegister(),
        new MetricsCommandRegister());

PseudoRepl is a REPL server. The factory class for Enkan system.
ReplBoot is a tool for starting the REPL server and registering some commands to the REPL at same time.